The Megarangers had been hopelessly outmatched by Crocodile Nezire, which has split into two and has double-teamed the mecha.As Mega Red tells him right before pulling him to space. Cue Galaxy Mega carrying the Nezire into space and finishing him there with the Booster Rifle. Once they get the antidote (by way of a Big Damn Heroes moment of Kubota and several INET doctors ramming Poison Moth Nezire with the Digitank before giving the Megarangers the cure), they proceed to make Poison Moth Nezire pay, even tearing off his top wings with the Galaxy Mega! But Poison Moth Nezire points out if they kill him, his poison will contaminate the whole city.

Despite that, the five keep fighting, even if in their deteriorating state, they are outmatched by the sadistic moth monster. But as the fight continues, the poison begins to take effect, and the Megarangers begin growing weaker and weaker until they lose their suits. When Poison Moth Nezire returns, they're able to literally get a piece of him (a part of his antennae) to look for an antidote. Kenta, Shun and Miku decide to spend their last hours having fun, but they all eventually realize they should live for tomorrow, and rejoin Kouichirou and Chisato, who have been trying their best to find a cure. They all have 24 hours to live until they die.